Hiya. Remember me? Feel free to look around and get a feel for the new place. It’s still a work in progress, but I have a lot of great ideas on the horizon. So hang in there. It might be a bumpy right until we get a bit more settled…
What better time is there for a personal renaissance than Spring? I love Spring. Especially in Arizona, when the wildflowers start blooming and the days start getting longer.
I happen to think that succulents are the perfect plant. Hardy and versatile, they grow practically anywhere with minimal care. I love the look of them. Ranging in hues from green to blue, red to pink to deep purple, they are gorgeous, geometric little alien-like life forms that add life and character to whatever space they are placed in.
Full disclosure – I need a plant that can take care of itself, pretty much. One that can deal with a forgotten watering here and there without whining. My succulents not only flourish in my care, but actually high-five me when I’m on my way out the door. True story.
So mix up some sangria and get busy. Because it’s 80 degrees here in Tucson in mid March…

Seriously. Don’t tell me you don’t love that, because I know you do. That up there is a succulent frame you can hang on the wall. Yes, yes, y.e.s.
These low-maintenance beauties can be planted pretty much anywhere and make perfect little gifts.

And weddings? Incredible earthy elegance…just check out some details of this San Diego wedding from Studio Castillero…

But perhaps the most, I love to see succulents planted in rustic planters of cement, tin, or copper. And so easy to create and maintain!

So you there. The one without a green thumb. Ditch the plastic palm tree, and bring real life into your place. And in true ‘Courtney’ fashion, I will roll this post out with an infographic to answer some planting questions you may have…

Be inspired: Succulent Love
Shop: all-essentials.com, fox & ramona
Do it: Gilded Terracotta Pots on Design*Sponge, Planting Succulents
What’s your favorite way to showcase your succulents?