The Inappropriate Past

Let’s admit it – one of the funniest things about the distant past was how un-PC it was. 

Without further ado, I bring you inappropriate advertisements:

Instantaneous cure indeed.  Thank God we now know what cocaine does to the teeth, let alone the rest of the body…

If the cocaine works for toothache, beer for babies is another natural choice…

Golly, a Colt handgun for Christmas!!  What could be better??

A vacuum cleaner!  YES!!!  I know what I’ll be doing when everyone’s gone sledding…

Always thinking of the little lady, weren’t they??  So sweet…

See?  Because they LOVED cooking and cleaning so much it even made them “cute” (but not beautiful).  And that was good enough, somehow.  Hmm, where did this blatant lack of self-worth come from??


Ah, yes…it was ingrained from an early age.  Get these little “chubbies” on diet pills, STAT!  Maybe the problem with this rampant childhood obesity comes from watching too much TV…

Wrong again.  Geesh…

Lastly, it’s late.  The kids are in bed, I feel like curling up in bed with my loving husband, and…

Um, okay.  Well, that’s not really what I had in mind, Sweetness, but you know best…